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pianoangel 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

自去年起,我就一直很想去參觀Amish Community。這星期一剛好是Labor Day放假一天,所以這天決定去一探究竟。至於有關Amish的介紹,在此附上別人網站上的詳細介紹。之後在附上我們自己照的照片。

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pianoangel 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

自David 到Cincinneti當住院醫師兩年了,我們都還沒去那找過他。明年他約一滿,就要搬離 Cincinneti了。一直想找機會去那走走,但老是剛好有事耽擱。Cincinneti每年在這個時候都有Western & Southern Financial Group所主辦的網球賽,各國選手都會來,據說是美國公開賽的指標賽。Jason很想去看,於是買了半決賽及決賽的門票,也順道去看看David所居住的環境。

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TAIPEI -- Two senior Taiwanese officials offered to resign Wednesday to take responsibility for the slow emergency response to Typhoon Morakot, but the government's display of remorse -- including several apologies from President Ma Ying-jeow -- showed few signs of calming public anger.

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Taiwan's president defends handling of typhoon
By DEBBY WU, Associated Press Writer Debby Wu, Associated Press WriterTue Aug 18, 7:19 am ET

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 Typhoon death toll mounts as mud, water block rescuers

(CNN) -- Roads covered with mud, debris and floodwater foiled rescuers trying Wednesday to reach mountain villages in southern Taiwan, the area hardest hit by Typhoon Morakot, a spokesman for the nation's disaster-prevention agency said.

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Remembering the Detroit Riot of 1967

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今天Jason和我想出去走走,想了又想,就決定去 Ohio 的 Toledo Zoo 走走。之前聽說 Toledo Zoo 和 Detroit Zoo 都還蠻大的,也不錯玩。Toledo Zoo 離我們並沒有太遠,只要一小時的車程就到了。

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